JANUS Intent to Publish Tracking Log


Text to Add to Every Publication

“This work was partially supported by NASA through the Joint Advanced Propulsion Institute, a NASA Space Technology Research Institute, grant number 80NSSC21K1118.”

Rights and Responsibilities

• Paper leads must communicate openly and responsively about ideas developed under the institute using the Intent to Publish document.

• Authorship is not automatic. Co-authors must make a contribution consistent with the agreed upon requirements for authorship.

• Any team member has the right to request to be included on a paper if they feel they have made a substantive contribution. The level of contribution must be consistent with the agreed upon requirements for authorship. If disputes arise, prospective co-authors can ask for mediation from the institute director. • Any team member has the right to refuse to be included on a paper.

• Graduate students, post-docs, and junior team members have the right to lead papers • All co-authors must agree to the paper timeline laid out by lead-author.

• The lead author has the right to remove co-authors who do not satisfy agreed upon requirements for an authorship. If disputes arise, authors can ask for mediation from the institute director.

• Authors of a prospective paper should discuss and agree upon a tentative order of authors before writing the manuscript. It is understood that this order may change in the course of preparing the manuscript. As a default for Co-I led papers, it is assumed that authorship will be in the order of degree of contribution. As a default for student led papers, it is assumed that the last authorship will be reserved for the student’s advisor.

• It is expected that during the course of the institute, a Co-I’s student may produce publishable results during a project conducted at a partner institution under another Co-I’s direction. The student and Co-Is should discuss and agree upon expectations for authorship credit of publishable results before the work is started.

• Manuscripts prepared under this institute must acknowledge JANUS and the NASA Space Technology Research Institute program.

• Lead authors and responsible supervisors are responsible for ensuring ITAR compliance of any published work.

• When possible, authors are expected to indicate in the article where the presented data or analysis can be found.

Publication and Authorship Practices (based on IOP)

When determining the credit for a piece of work, authors should ensure that all those who have made a significant contribution are cited as co-authors. Other individuals who have contributed to the study in a lesser capacity should be acknowledged, but not cited as authors. An author is someone who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the article, this can include but is not limited to:

• Background theory
• Design of experiment
• Implementation of model or code
• Device prototype • Data analysis and interpretation
• Writing of the article or reviewing and/or revising the text and/or figures

JANUS Intent to Publish Tracking Log

JANUS Intent to Publish Tracking Log


Text to Add to Every Publication

“This work was partially supported by NASA through the Joint Advanced Propulsion Institute, a NASA Space Technology Research Institute, grant number 80NSSC21K1118.”

Rights and Responsibilities

• Paper leads must communicate openly and responsively about ideas developed under the institute using the Intent to Publish document.

• Authorship is not automatic. Co-authors must make a contribution consistent with the agreed upon requirements for authorship.

• Any team member has the right to request to be included on a paper if they feel they have made a substantive contribution. The level of contribution must be consistent with the agreed upon requirements for authorship. If disputes arise, prospective co-authors can ask for mediation from the institute director. • Any team member has the right to refuse to be included on a paper.

• Graduate students, post-docs, and junior team members have the right to lead papers • All co-authors must agree to the paper timeline laid out by lead-author.

• The lead author has the right to remove co-authors who do not satisfy agreed upon requirements for an authorship. If disputes arise, authors can ask for mediation from the institute director.

• Authors of a prospective paper should discuss and agree upon a tentative order of authors before writing the manuscript. It is understood that this order may change in the course of preparing the manuscript. As a default for Co-I led papers, it is assumed that authorship will be in the order of degree of contribution. As a default for student led papers, it is assumed that the last authorship will be reserved for the student’s advisor.

• It is expected that during the course of the institute, a Co-I’s student may produce publishable results during a project conducted at a partner institution under another Co-I’s direction. The student and Co-Is should discuss and agree upon expectations for authorship credit of publishable results before the work is started.

• Manuscripts prepared under this institute must acknowledge JANUS and the NASA Space Technology Research Institute program.

• Lead authors and responsible supervisors are responsible for ensuring ITAR compliance of any published work.

• When possible, authors are expected to indicate in the article where the presented data or analysis can be found.

Publication and Authorship Practices (based on IOP)

When determining the credit for a piece of work, authors should ensure that all those who have made a significant contribution are cited as co-authors. Other individuals who have contributed to the study in a lesser capacity should be acknowledged, but not cited as authors. An author is someone who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the article, this can include but is not limited to:

• Background theory
• Design of experiment
• Implementation of model or code
• Device prototype • Data analysis and interpretation
• Writing of the article or reviewing and/or revising the text and/or figures

JANUS Intent to Publish Tracking Log