Name: Declan Brick (he/him)
Education: B.S.A.E. & B.S. Physics University of Alabama in Huntsville
Skillset: CFD, Numerical Methods, Plasma Fluid Modeling
Honors/Awards: Barry Goldwater Scholar 2021, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow 2022
Role in JANUS: Graduate Student Researcher, PI: Benjamin Jorns
Description of Project: I am primarily involved in coupling models to produce a model of the Hall thruster discharge in testing chambers. This project seeks to couple Hall2De and MPIC to quantify the near and far field plumes of the thruster. My work is on the Hall2De side translating Hall2De outputs to inputs for MPIC as well as organizing data for model validation. I am also working to develop closure models of anomalous transport to enable predictive models of Hall thrusters.
Outside interests/hobbies: Puzzles, ice hockey, fossil collecting, board games, and folklore