Uinversity of California - Los Angeles

Name: Ehsan Taghizadeh (he/his)

Education: PhD Oregon State University, Postdoc University of California Los Angeles

Skillset: Modeling and Simulation, Data Science, Scientific Machine Learning 


Role in JANUS: Postdoctoral Researcher, PI: Dr. Richard Wirz 

Description of ProjectIn the context of JANUS, I focus on computational modeling of test facilities and their interactions with ion sources (generally thrusters) to describe and quantify facility effects. Most of these models are generated in COMSOL as faster alternatives to more complex DSMC or kinetic simulations run by other researchers within the modeling team; my goal is to develop frameworks that can reduce the computational complexity and time through incorporating data driven methods and scientific machine learning.  In specific, I am working on reduced order modeling of energy and mass transport within the facility.

Outside interests/hobbies: Hiking, Camping