Name: Huy D Tran
Education: B.S. A.E, B.S. M.E, University of Virginia; Ph.D. Candidate, A.E. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Skillset: CAD, Material and Structure Modeling (DFT, MD, FEA), Machine Learning (ANN, PINN), Evolution Algorithm, Machining (CNC, Laser Cut, Water Jet, power tools), Fiber Manufacturing
Honors/Awards: 1st NSF Student Research Poster at IMECE 2021, Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Fellowship
Role in JANUS: Graduate Research Assistant, PI: Dr. Huck Beng Chew
Description of Project: Predictive physic-based mechanics modeling for the material behavior in EP Thruster and EP testing environments. These include both high-fidelity and reduced order model. The focus is on (1) sputtering of carbon (and other relevant materials) under noble gas ion bombardment at incidence energy of less than 4 keV. (2) carbon contamination deposition behavior onto various relevant thruster materials (such as Boron Nitride). Deposition structure, coefficient, residual film stress, and fracture (flaking) are of interest.
Outside interests/hobbies: hiking, cooking, traveling, watch and play squash, piano, video game, and coffee.