Name: Joshua Eckels
Education: B.S. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, PhD (current) University of Michigan
Skillset: Python, Matlab, C, Javascript, HPC
Honors/Awards: NSTGRO fellow
Role in JANUS: Graduate student researcher, PI: Alex Gorodetsky
Description of Project: I am developing uncertainty quantification tools to interface with various modeling efforts within JANUS. Recently, this has been building a multidisciplinary, multi-fidelity surrogate framework for a coupled system of cathode, thruster, and plume models for a Hall thruster. We are iterating the framework to calibrate parameters via Bayesian inference and to study various sources of uncertainty in the models. The framework is model-agnostic and so we hope to apply the same techniques to models of gridded ion thrusters.
Outside interests/hobbies: Piano, running, biking, skiing, and app development