Dr. Walker's primary research interests lie in electric propulsion, plasma physics, and hypersonic aerodynamics/plasma interaction. He has extensive design and testing experience with Hall thrusters and ion engines. Dr. Walker has performed seminal work in Hall thruster clustering, vacuum chamber facility effects, plasma-material interactions, and electron emission from carbon nanotubes. His current research activities involve both theoretical and experimental work in advanced spacecraft propulsion systems, diagnostics (including THz time-domain spectroscopy and Thomson scattering), plasma physics, helicon plasma sources, magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters, and pulsed inductive thrusters. Dr. Walker also teaches the undergraduate Jet & Rocket Propulsion course, as well as the graduate level Rocket Propulsion, Electric Propulsion, and Gasdynamics courses.
- B.S.E., Aerospace Engineering, 1999, University of Michigan
- M.S., Aerospace Engineering, 2000, University of Michigan
- Ph.D.Aerospace Engineering, 2004, University of Michigan
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Fellow, 2023
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Sustained Service Award, 2020
- Provost’s Emerging Leaders Program, 2017
- Georgia Power Professor of Excellence Award, 2017
- National Academy of Engineering Symposium on Exploring a New Vision for Center-Based, Multidisciplinary Engineering Research, 2016
- National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Organizing Committee, Co-organizer for the session “Engineering the Search for Earth-like Exoplanets,” 2015
- National Academy of Engineering US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium – Participant, 2014
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – Associate Fellow, 2011
- Lawrence Sperry Award, 2010
- AFOSR Young Investigator Program Award, 2006
- NASA Faculty Fellow, 2005
- Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow, 2005
- High-Power Electric Propulsion Laboratory (HPEPL)
- Ben T. Zinn Combustion Laboratory
- Institute for Materials
- Propulsion & Combustion
AE Multidisciplinary Research Areas:
- Space Exploration and Earth Monitoring
- Sustainable Transportation and Energy Systems